Buhl & Rasmussen

Buhl & Rasmussen is a small Copenhagen-based company working in the combined field of IT and politics. We are specialized in opening up political data, structuring, analyzing and visualizing it. We create valuable tools and analysis for organizations navigating within the political sphere. We are passionate about open data, open government and transparency. We have experience with microsimulation models, automated textgeneration and advanced statistics.


  • PriceThe evolution of European Union legislation. This flash visualization shows how different areas of European Union legislation has developed since the establishing of the community. The underlaying data is taken from our API for EU legislation. In 2011 the visualization won the second prize in the EU-wide competition opendatachallenge.org.
  • An API for European Union legislation is a machine-readable interface to the most important official EU-databases: EUR-Lex, PreLex, Council documents and the European Parliament. It can be used by scientists, developers, lobbyist, NGO's and other specialists. The API extracts, organize and connects data from various official sources.
  • ItsYourParliament.eu is a website covering the European Parliament. It is build upon data extracted from the official website of the European Parliament. You can use it to compare politicians to each other and the political groups. It also offers an API for free reuse of the data.
  • Kend din kommune A presentation of the budgets for the 98 Danish municipalities. Includes historical overview, tools to compare income and expenditures of selected municipalities and a simplified visual presentation.
  • HvemStemmerHvad.dk Is a parliamentary monitoring site covering the Danish Parliament (Folketinget). It contains voting records of MPs, parliamentary questions and small quantitative analyses. It also has an API for reuse of the voting records.
  • Omtalebarometer.dk Monitors and compares the media coverage of Danish top politicians on the major Danish media sites.
  • Presentation of election results For the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende we made a system to proces and compute election results from the generel election 2011. The election result is presented at multiple geographical levels and in great detail.
  • Sofavælgeren Inspired by online sport manager games we made this election game for the Danish newspaper Poltiken. In the game users choose politicians from different parties and earns point according to the real election result.
  • Multidimensional scaling. This was an analysis we did based on the answers given to a voting advice application. The result is presented in an interactive coordinate system.


  • contact@buhlrasmussen.eu
  • Phone (+45) 2680 9492
  • Drogdensgade 16, 3. tv.
  • 2300 Copenhagen S
  • Denmark
  • nilleren2030.bsky.social